Migrating from v1 to v2

The latest Web SDK has evolved significantly from the previous release SDK v1. This guide describes what is new in v2, what has changed from v1 and what you need to do to migrate to the latest Universal Checkout SDK v2.


The latest version v2 of Universal Checkout Web SDK introduces a few breaking changes.


Universal Checkout v2 SDK is super efficient and simpler to integrate. Going forward, the prior Primer Checkout SDK v1.x.x will be no longer supported.

Key Highlights

For more details about the new features and to see specific code examples, refer to the other sections of this guide.

Initializing Universal Checkout

In the new Primer Universal Checkout Web SDK, you’ll find that the boilerplate for initializing is reduced to just one line of code!

/* v2 */// To initialize Universal Checkoutconst universalCheckout = await Primer.showUniversalCheckout(clientToken, options)

Compare with previous v1 SDK that required you to write more code:

/* v1 */const Primer = await loadPrimer() // If the package is loaded from npmconst primer = new Primer({ credentials: { clientToken } })const checkout = await primer.checkout(options)

Initialize Vault Manager

In the v2 SDK, you can initialize the vault manager using the following function:

/* v2 */// to intialize Vault Managerconst vaultManager = await Primer.showVaultManager(clientToken, options)

Other Initialization Changes

The new Universal Checkout initialization makes integration much simpler and easier. As a result, developers are no longer required to construct the Primer object using new Primer() call. Instead, you need to use Primer.showUniversalCheckout() or Primer.showVaultManager().

Another set of changes that you need to take into account is when the package is loaded from npm:

  • The loadPrimer() call is now removed from the latest SDK. When the user approaches checkout, if you need to preload Primer Universal Checkout SDK, use preloadPrimer() instead. Under the hood, loadPrimer() is automatically called by Primer.showUniversalCheckout() so you do not need to call loadPrimer() explicitly anymore.
  • It is no longer required to import the CSS file anymore. Primer.showUniversalCheckout() will automatically load it.

To find out more about Universal Checkout initialization process, checkout the Web Get Started Guide.

Automatic Payment Creation

Universal Checkout Web SDK v2 now creates, resumes and handles payments under the hood 🎉

The automatic payment flow is activated by default.

When migrating to Web SDK v2, you need to use the following simpler code for payment creation:

/* v2 */Primer.showUniversalCheckout(token, {    onCheckoutComplete({ payment }) {        // e.g. Show a success message    },})

Earlier, the payment creation code was more complex:

/* v1 */primer.checkout({    onTokenizeSuccess(paymentMethodTokenData) {        // Create a payment        // If payment fails: show error message        // If payment succeeds: show a success message        // If payment has a required action: return the new client token    },    onResumeSuccess(resumeTokenData) {        // Resume the payment        // If payment fails: show error message        // If payment succeeds: show a success message        // If payment has a required action: return the new client token    },})

In the earlier versions, you had to manually create and resume payments using onTokenizeSuccess and onResumeSuccess. Not anymore.

The functions onTokenizeSuccess and onResumeSuccess are no longer required to be used. This essentially means that you do not need to make any API calls for creating and resuming payments.

Those can be edited out of your integration code.

No complex integrations to maintain anymore!

With the new SDK, you can simply listen to the PAYMENT.STATUS webhook and the callback onCheckoutComplete to process successful and even more secure payments as compared to the earlier versions.

Automatic Payment flow

Should you wish to go back to the manual flow of v1, pass the option paymentHandling: "MANUAL". See Manual Payment Creation Guide for details.

/* v2 */Primer.showUniversalCheckout({    paymentHandling: 'MANUAL',
    onTokenizeSuccess(data, handler) {        // To implement    },
    onResumeSuccess(data, handler) {        // To implement    },
    /* Other options */})

onTokenizeSuccess and onResumeSuccess change

In the earlier version, onTokenizeSuccess and onResumeSuccess had to return specific data to trigger various scenarios. This proved to be quite error-prone and not self-explanatory.

/* v2 */async onTokenizeSuccess(paymentMethodTokenData) {  return true; // Handle success
  throw new Error("Error message") // Handle error message
  return { clientToken: "..." } // Continue the flow with a new client token}
// Same for onResumeSuccess

This logic has been greatly improved in v2 by introducing a handler argument that contains the functions to continue.

/* v2 */async onTokenizeSuccess(paymentMethodTokenData, handler) {  return handler.handleSuccess(); // Handle success
  return handler.handleFailure("Error message") // Handle failure with a custom error message
  return handler.continueWithNewClientToken("...") // Continue the flow with a new client token}
async onResumeSuccess(paymentMethodTokenData, handler) {  return handler.handleSuccess(); // Handle success
  return handler.handleFailure("Error message")  // Handle failure with a custom error message
  return handler.continueWithNewClientToken("...") // Continue the flow with a new client token}

Improved 3DS


In Web SDK v2 the threeDSecure option is now completely removed from the Universal Checkout. Earlier, this option was provided to trigger 3DS at the time of tokenization.

In the latest SDK, the 3DS feature can be accessed without writing a single line of integration code by simply using workflows. You can be fully SCA-ready with a unified checkout across all your payments services including 3D Secure 2.0.

Once you add a 3DS pre-authorization Primer Connections to your Workflow, the Universal Checkout feature will just do the right thing for you. It will present to your customer a fully in-context Workflow that is optimized with 3D Secure flow on both web or mobile.

Payment Options Updates

The following payment method options in Primer Checkout SDK v1.x.x are no longer available in the latest Universal Checkout SDK v2.

Developers must now specify the order and customer details when creating the client session with POST/client-session

Earlier v1.x.xLatest v2 SDK
purchaseInfo and orderDetails (in the SDK)Pass the order details through the client-session API call.
customerDetails (in the SDK)Pass the customer information through the client-session API call.
customerId (in the SDK)Specify the customerId through the client-session API call.
countryCode (in the SDK)Pass order.countryCode through the client-session API call.
businessDetails (in the SDK)This was only needed for tax calculation using TaxJar. We are completely removing this option. In the future, business detail will be filled in the client session or on the Dashboard.

Setters Removed

The Setters in Web SDK v1 listed in the table below have been removed. Now this information is retrieved by Universal Checkout through the client session.

Developers need to migrate their integration backend to use the latest Universal Checkout SDK v2 and update order details using the API PATCH/client-session. The token obtained through the client-session API needs to be passed to the SDK with setClientToken(newClientToken) API call.

Earlier v1.x.xLatest v2 SDK
setPurchaseInfo and setOrderDetails (in the SDK)Update the order in the client session, then call setClientToken with new client token
setCustomerDetails (in the SDK)Update the customer in the client session, then call setClientToken with new client token
setBusinessDetails (in the SDK)This has been completely removed
const universalCheckout = await Primer.showUniversalCheckout(clientToken, options)
// Update client tokenuniversalCheckout.setClientToken('...')

Once you migrate your merchant backend, all your implementations will be able to properly display payment methods through the Primer Universal Checkout, regardless of the platform!

allowedPaymentMethods Removed

In the previous Primer Checkout v1.x.x, the option allowedPaymentMethods was used to filter and display the payment methods as required by a specific merchant integration. This is no longer necessary and has been completely removed in the latest SDK v2.

The recently introduced Checkout section in the Dashboard enables display of merchant specific payment methods, based on the conditions defined by them.

With Universal Checkout, Primer can now dynamically show payment methods in the user interface. It uses the conditions set up by you on the dashboard, along with the data passed in the client session call to dynamically display only those payment methods that are applicable as per your selection and inputs.

All of this happens without a single line of code as part of merchant integration!

See here for details on how Universal Checkout works.

Client Session Actions Automation

Earlier versions of Primer Checkout SDK required you to integrate using onClientSessionActions.

Now, with the latest SDK v2, as the customer interacts with the UI, Universal Checkout takes care of setting up "client session actions" via onClientsessionActions().


Developers are no longer required to call this function anymore and it has been removed from the SDK. Instead, now you need to set up the following callbacks:

  • onClientSessionUpdate
  • onClientSessionUpdateStart

As a side effect of this usage change, the following callbacks have also been removed from the SDK in addition to onClientSessionActions. These callbacks are now replaced by the client session update call.

  • onAmountChange
  • onAmountChanging
  • onAmountChangeError

The previous SDK version had Primer Checkout functionality that was sending you Client session actions in order to enable you to update the client session according to the merchant checkout requirements. This is now completely managed automatically by the Primer Universal Web SDK v2.

The latest SDK can now collect various customer data such as the billing address, customer contact details and update the client session by itself. It no longer requires any explicit developer initiated actions or function calls to update these details while integrating with Primer.

For more details, refer to the Universal Checkout Guide.

Submit Button Updates

If you have setup a custom submit button in the checkout user interface here is what you need to do in order to migrate from previous Primer Checkout Web SDK:

Styling Customization Changes

Earlier, the card input fields could be customized as per merchant checkout requirements using card.css.

Now, you can instead use the style option to customize the style 🎨 for the entire Universal Checkout SDK and align with the merchant branding in a more cohesive and unified way!

For more details, refer to the Primer Universal Checkout Web SDK Styling Guide

Miscellaneous Updates

  • Card holder name display option

    The option card.cardholderName.visible available in the previous version of Primer Checkout SDK has been removed altogether. You can continue to configure this setting through the Dashboard in the forthcoming release. Stay tuned!

    In the meantime, if you need to show or hide the cardholder name field, please get in touch with us.

  • Renamed CheckoutOptions

    The typescript CheckoutOptions is now renamed to UniversalCheckoutOptions.

  • Checkout object updates

    The checkout object functions tokenize() and validate() are no longer available in the Universal Checkout SDK v2.

Deprecated Items

  • Checkout Components

    Checkout Components are now sunset and no longer supported. The new Universal Checkout SDK does not contain primer.render() function. Make sure you clean that up!

At Primer, we are all working hard towards a fully customisable payment framework that enables you to build any checkout that you want!

Stay tuned for more updates!