Make managing payments a breeze

Monitor, reconcile, and analyze your transactions to get complete visibility across the payment stack. Add your providers to detect issues as they happen, track and monitor key payment metrics, and get one source of truth to unite your operations.

Drive cost optimizations, not cost centers

Get the data and insights you need to transform payments from a cost center into a strategic growth area. Delve into what’s working, what’s not, and what could be done better to drive better return on investment and boost cost efficiencies.

Get a single source 
of truth for all your payments data

Stop sifting through spreadsheets, mapping data manually, and verifying inaccuracies using various tools. Get the single source of truth across multiple providers in one platform to prevent losses, automate tasks, and streamline payment operations.

Let your payments flow and automate processes

Save time for entire teams by automating operational processes around payments. Need to create a ticket, send order confirmation or get real-time alerts on Slack? Our third party apps will help you to achieve more.

Primer Manage Suite

Let your payments data tell a better story

Track, analyze, and visualize every intricate detail with your payments utilizing over 30+ advanced filters and custom dashboards to make decisions that weren’t possible before.

Unify and transform your payment operations

Bring together payments data to match a unified lifecycle and minimize operational headaches like reconciliation, disputes and more.

Get notified and respond to spikes faster

Know what’s happening with your payments by responding to spikes and trends in real-time. Set up alerts to your email, webhook or Slack channels.

Product spotlight



Get unparalleled visibility across your payment stack in real-time to surface hidden revenue and pinpoint optimizations.


Track payment metrics across all providers in real-time to respond to issues faster and stay on top of performance.


Save on tedious processes by getting one single source of truth for all your settlement reports to inform fees and payouts.

Global brands
Revolut Bank
Revolut Bank
Revolut Bank
Revolut Bank
Revolut Bank
Revolut Bank
Revolut Bank
Revolut Bank
Revolut Bank
Revolut Bank
Revolut Bank
Revolut Bank
Revolut Bank
Revolut Bank
Revolut Bank
Revolut Bank
Revolut Bank
Revolut Bank
Revolut Bank
Revolut Bank
Revolut Bank
Revolut Bank
Revolut Bank
Revolut Bank
Revolut Bank
Revolut Bank

The smartest payment decision you’ve ever made

Connect your favorite payment and commerce services, create beautiful customer journeys and expand into new markets fast.

Head of Payments