
A metric is a key performance indicator that provides essential data for evaluating and optimizing payment processes. Primer includes 20 metrics within our Dashboards and Monitors, and we're adding new data all the time.

Metric NameDefinition
Authorization rate

Main indicator of the performance of your payment flow.

Calculated as the count of payments that reached the status or divided by the total number of payments that reached a processor.

This metric ignores payments where

  • the status is or
  • the status is set to before being sent to a processor (i.e. the declined payments that have set to null)

Sales countThe total number of settled sales
Sales value (can be converted to any currency)The total value of settled sales in the currency set in the Dashboard
Refunds countThe total number of refunds
Refunds valueThe total value of refunds in the currency set in the Dashboard
Refunds (% of sales value)The refund value as a % of sales value. Calculated on date of sale created
Average order valueThe average value of settled sales
Average refund valueThe average value of settled refunds
Payments countThe total number of payments created
Payments count (authorized)The total number of authorized payments
Payments count (declined)The total number of declined payments
Payments count (failed)The total number of failed payments
Decline rateRate of declined vs successful payments
3DS authentication countThe total number of payments that had a 3DS request
3DS authentication count (failed)The total number of payments that had a failed 3DS request
3DS authentication rateThe number of successful 3DS attempts divided by the total number of 3DS attempts. Excludes processor 3DS
Recovered sales valueThe total combined value of sales recovered by fallbacks & adaptive 3DS
Recovered sales value (adaptive 3DS)The total value of sales recovered by adaptive 3DS
Recovered sales value (fallbacks)The total value of sales recovered by fallbacks
Fallbacks countThe total number of payments where a fallback was attempted