Fintecture is only available for EUR.

Get started with Fintecture Smart Transfer

Before you begin

If this is your first payment method, complete the "Process Payments" guide to begin processing payments with Primer.

Connect Fintecture Smart Transfer to Primer

  1. 1

    Add Fintecture Smart Transfer to your Dashboard
    Go to the "Connections" section of the Dashboard and look for Fintecture Smart Transfer.
    Follow the instructions to connect your Fintecture account to your Primer Dashboard.

  2. 2

    Activate Fintecture Smart Transfer on the Checkout
    Go to the "Checkout" section of the Dashboard and activate the Fintecture Smart Transfer payment method.

  3. 3

    Configure a Workflow to process payments made with Fintecture Smart Transfer
    Go to "Workflows", and ensure there is a workflow with the Authorization action configured to process APMs. There is no need to add Capture as this payment method goes straight to SETTLING from PENDING. Finish the workflow with a Continue payment flow action.

Note: Expiring payments

By default, Primer automatically requests Fintecture to expire any abandoned payments within 30 days. You can adjust this duration by using Advanced Metadata Mapping to override the meta.expiry field. Note that the field is in seconds, with a minimum value of 1 and maximum value of 99999999 seconds.

Note: Payment Status at the End of the User Journey

Unlike Fintecture Immediate Transfer, it's possible that the customer may complete the journey without initiating the transfer. The customer may still initiate the transfer afterward. As a result, the payment status may remain PENDING at the end of the user's journey, but change later.

You can subscribe to Primer webhooks to receive real-time payment status updates or use the GET /payments/:id request to fetch the latest data about the payment.

Prepare the client session

Fintecture Smart Transfer leverages the following parameters to process a payment.

Pass them when creating the client session.

Parameter NameRequiredDescription

3-letter currency code in ISO 4217 format, e.g. EUR. Currently, only EUR is supported.

  1. order

For each line item in the order, the following fields must all be present to be sent to Fintecture:

  • order.lineItems[].name
  • order.lineItems[].quantity
  • order.lineItems[].amount
  • order.lineItems[].itemId

If any of these fields are missing for any line item, none of the line items will be included in the Fintecture request. Fintecture requires that either all specified fields for all line items are sent together or none at all.

  1. customer
  2. billingAddress

firstName will be used in meta -> psu_name in the request to Fintecture

  1. customer
  2. billingAddress

lastName will be used in meta -> psu_name in the request to Fintecture

  1. customer

emailAddress will be used in meta -> psu_email in the request to Fintecture

  1. customer

phoneNumber will be sent in meta -> psu_phone in the request to Fintecture

  1. customer

The following address fields must all be present to be sent to Fintecture:

  • customer.billingAddress.street
  • customer.billingAddress.postalCode
  • customer.billingAddress.countryCode

If any of these fields are missing, none of them will be included in the Fintecture request. Fintecture requires that either all of these fields are sent together or none at all.

Additionally, if all the required fields are present, the field customer.billingAddress.addressLine1 will also be included in the request if it is provided.

  1. customer

The following address fields must all be present to be sent to Fintecture:

  • customer.deliveryAddress.street
  • customer.deliveryAddress.postalCode
  • customer.deliveryAddress.countryCode

If any of these fields are missing, none of them will be included in the Fintecture request. Fintecture requires that either all of these fields are sent together or none at all.

Additionally, if all the required fields are present, the field customer.deliveryAddress.addressLine1 will also be included in the request if it is provided.

Using Advanced Metadata Mapping, you can set up metadata field mappings between your request and Fintecutre or override existing fields.

For example, meta.expiry can be overriden to adjust how quickly abandoned payments should expire. The default now is 30 days. Please make sure to specify the duration in seconds.

Add Fintecture Smart Transfer into your website or mobile app