Before you start

This guide assumes that you know how to

Accept payments with Fintecture Smart Transfer

Prepare the client session

Fintecture Smart Transfer requires the following data to process a payment successfully. Pass the following data in the client session, or in the payment request (for manual payment creation).

Parameter NameRequiredDescription

3-letter currency code in ISO 4217 format, e.g. EUR. Currently, only EUR is supported.

  1. order

For each line item in the order, the following fields must all be present to be sent to Fintecture:

  • order.lineItems[].name
  • order.lineItems[].quantity
  • order.lineItems[].amount
  • order.lineItems[].itemId

If any of these fields are missing for any line item, none of the line items will be included in the Fintecture request. Fintecture requires that either all specified fields for all line items are sent together or none at all.

  1. customer
  2. billingAddress

firstName will be used in meta -> psu_name in the request to Fintecture

  1. customer
  2. billingAddress

lastName will be used in meta -> psu_name in the request to Fintecture

  1. customer

emailAddress will be used in meta -> psu_email in the request to Fintecture

  1. customer

phoneNumber will be sent in meta -> psu_phone in the request to Fintecture

  1. customer

The following address fields must all be present to be sent to Fintecture:

  • customer.billingAddress.street
  • customer.billingAddress.postalCode
  • customer.billingAddress.countryCode

If any of these fields are missing, none of them will be included in the Fintecture request. Fintecture requires that either all of these fields are sent together or none at all.

Additionally, if all the required fields are present, the field customer.billingAddress.addressLine1 will also be included in the request if it is provided.

  1. customer

The following address fields must all be present to be sent to Fintecture:

  • customer.deliveryAddress.street
  • customer.deliveryAddress.postalCode
  • customer.deliveryAddress.countryCode

If any of these fields are missing, none of them will be included in the Fintecture request. Fintecture requires that either all of these fields are sent together or none at all.

Additionally, if all the required fields are present, the field customer.deliveryAddress.addressLine1 will also be included in the request if it is provided.

Using Advanced Metadata Mapping, you can set up metadata field mappings between your request and Fintecutre or override existing fields.

For example, meta.expiry can be overriden to adjust how quickly abandoned payments should expire. The default now is 30 days. Please make sure to specify the duration in seconds.

Prepare the SDK for payments

Show Universal Checkout

Fintecture Smart Transfer is automatically presented to the customer when calling Primer.showUniversalCheckout.

try {  await Primer.showUniversalCheckout(clientToken, {    container: '#checkout-container',    options,    onCheckoutComplete({ payment }) {      console.log('Checkout complete.', payment)    },  })} catch (e) {  // handle error}


Check the customization guide to learn how to customize payment method buttons.

const options = {  /* Other options ... */  style: {    paymentMethodButton: {      background: string,      borderRadius: number | string,      boxShadow: string,      borderColor: string,      height: number,      primaryText: TextStyle,      logoColor: logoColor,      marginTop: string,    },  },}


You can test payments using EUR as the currency.

Sandbox testing

  • After selecting the payment method button in the Checkout, the page will navigate to a Fintecture page, where a list of banks will appear
  • Please select either CIC or Crédit Mutuel and complete the process using the preloaded credentials
  • At the end of this flow, the payment status will be SETTLING in Primer
  • To simulate the receiving of funds and transition the payment to SETTLED, you can use Fintecture's Event Simulator. Please provide the exact amount, the customer's name, the order ID (as the "Label"), and the IBAN of your Fintecture bank account. Primer will receive a webhook and subsequently update the payment to SETTLED.

If you don't have your Fintecture IBAN, please contact Fintecture's support for assistance.

Go live

You don’t need to do anything particular to go live — just make sure to use production credentials.