v2.1 → v2.2

  • customer object added
  • isVaulted field is added and if set to true then paymentMethodToken will be the multi-use token. If false, it’ll be the single-use token. Previously, paymentMethodToken was always the single-use token.

Example webhook when payment is created:

{    "eventType": "PAYMENT.STATUS",    "date": "2023-07-05 14:27:08.447375",    "notificationConfig": {        "id": "abc5a760-1562-445b-bae4-60cbd53aaec3",        "description": "Webhook"    },    "payment": {        "id": "7XekuJBI",        "date": "2023-07-05T14:27:08.371546",        "amount": 1000,        "currencyCode": "EUR",        "customerId": "customer-123",        "orderId": "79383",        "status": "PENDING",        "customer": {            "emailAddress": "test@test.com",            "mobileNumber": "0351235412",            "billingAddress": {                "firstName": "John",                "lastName": "Smith",                "postalCode": "123123",                "addressLine1": "123",                "countryCode": "GB",                "city": "Bucharest",                "state": "Bucharest"            },            "shippingAddress": {                "firstName": "John",                "lastName": "Smith",                "postalCode": "123123",                "addressLine1": "123",                "countryCode": "GB",                "city": "Bucharest",                "state": "Bucharest"            },            "nationalDocumentId": "9011211234567"        },        "paymentMethod": {            "paymentType": "FIRST_PAYMENT",            "authorizationType": "FINAL",            "paymentMethodToken": "ucRRRwmZQc6M0OkbeTdlJHwxNjg4NTY3MjI4",            "isVaulted": false,            "analyticsId": "eD-OFajuWsa9fPW83iRyYjZz",            "paymentMethodType": "PAYMENT_CARD",            "paymentMethodData": {                "last4Digits": "4242",                "expirationMonth": "11",                "expirationYear": "2023",                "cardholderName": "asd",                "network": "Visa",                "binData": {                    "network": "AMEX",                    "issuerCountryCode": "US",                    "regionalRestriction": "UNKNOWN",                    "accountNumberType": "UNKNOWN",                    "accountFundingType": "UNKNOWN",                    "prepaidReloadableIndicator": "NOT_APPLICABLE",                    "productUsageType": "UNKNOWN",                    "productCode": "UNKNOWN",                    "productName": "UNKNOWN"                },                "isNetworkTokenized": false            },            "threeDSecureAuthentication": {                "responseCode": "NOT_PERFORMED"            }        },        "processor": {            "amountCaptured": 0,            "amountRefunded": 0        },        "transactions": []    },    "version": "2.2",    "signedAt": "1688567229"}

v2.0 → v2.1

v2.01 is the same as v2.0, so this migration guide applies for v2.01 as well.

  • no longer return the order object
  • paymentMethod.vaultedPaymentMethodToken is no longer returned. paymentMethodToken is now returned but this is always the single-use token (If you are keen to retrieve the multi-use token from the webhook, see the v2.2 updates).
  • Transaction objects now include date, amount and currencyCode
  • no longer return the following fields from paymentMethod object:
    • cryptogram
    • eci
    • threeDsVersion
    • domainServerTransactionId
    • networkTransactionId
    • cvvAvailable
    • transStatus

Example webhook when payment is created:

{    "eventType": "PAYMENT.STATUS",    "date": "2023-07-17 08:53:44.737529",    "notificationConfig": {        "id": "d9ad7ba8-97fa-4364-9aec-16ddb3c68b86",        "description": "2.1"    },    "payment": {        "id": "qn4enwNNG",        "date": "2023-07-17T08:53:44.491798",        "amount": 10000,        "currencyCode": "EUR",        "customerId": "customer-123",        "orderId": "76743",        "status": "PENDING",        "paymentMethod": {            "paymentType": "UNSCHEDULED",            "paymentMethodToken": "zRxJcDoxSr2WOLY5YNpTdXwxNjg5NTg0MDIz",            "analyticsId": "fTO3A_LXUcy_PHe02_w6QFFY",            "paymentMethodType": "PAYMENT_CARD",            "paymentMethodData": {                "last4Digits": "4242",                "first6Digits": "424242",                "expirationMonth": "01",                "expirationYear": "2028",                "cardholderName": "Joe Bloggs",                "network": "Visa",                "binData": {                    "network": "VISA",                    "issuerCountryCode": "US",                    "regionalRestriction": "UNKNOWN",                    "accountNumberType": "UNKNOWN",                    "accountFundingType": "UNKNOWN",                    "prepaidReloadableIndicator": "NOT_APPLICABLE",                    "productUsageType": "UNKNOWN",                    "productCode": "UNKNOWN",                    "productName": "UNKNOWN"                },                "isNetworkTokenized": false            }        },        "processor": {            "name": "STRIPE",            "processorMerchantId": "acct_test_1",            "amountCaptured": 0,            "amountRefunded": 0        },        "transactions": []    },    "version": "2.1",    "signedAt": "1689584025"}