Unified Settlement Report

Primer has created a unified payments infrastructure and abstracted Payments, and Disputes. Our Reconciliation product represents the abstraction of settlement reports across processors.

Every processor provides different ways to access their settlement reports, in different formats, and with different data within their reports. Primer has created a unified report that allows you to consume your own settlement data much easier, and you only have to reason about one report, without having to learn all the differences and intricacies of direct integrations.


Speak to your Customer Success Manager or raise a ticket on our JIRA Service Desk to get access to our reconciliation product. Once this is done, you will have to set up your processors accordingly and select the merchant accounts that you want to enable.

From there, as soon as Primer receives new settlement reports from the processors, we transform them into our unified format and make them available either in the dashboard (where they can also be downloaded individually as CSV files) or via SFTP folders.

Primer relies on the configuration of the processor and their intervals on when payouts happen and reports are created. This might be T+1, T+2, T+X, and can vary from one provider to another.

Supported processors and reports

Settlement reporting - and the available data and data granularity - is different from provider to provider. See more details for each of the currently supported processors and reports per processor.

Report structure

When we receive a settlement report from a processor, we create Primer Reconciliation Batches out of it based on the combination of processor + MID + Settlement currency. So Processor A + mid1 + EUR and Processor A + mid2 + EUR and Processor A + mid3 + GBP would be individual batches, even if Processor A were to send all of this into one report. Refer to the settlement report description to learn about the data and columns represented in the report.

Depending on the processor and merchant accounts used, it is still possible for a report to contain payments across multiple currencies with the same settlement currency.

Requesting a batch update

In the case of problems with the original data, the processor could issue a new report on their side. By requesting a batch update you can instruct Primer to reprocess and replace the existing report with the updated data.

Downloading a batch

You can download a batch from the reports overview, or from the reports detail page. No matter if you download the file from the dashboard or the SFTP folder, the content will be the same.

CSV Content

Refer to the settlement report description to learn about the data and columns represented in the report.


  • CSV files follow this convention, no matter if accessed via SFTP or Dashboard: Primer_Unified_Report_{processor}_Batch_{batch_id}_Date_{payout_date}.csv (format for payout date: YYYY-MM-DD)
  • The logic for batch IDs is different per processor.

Reconciliation data in the dashboard

Accessing reconciliation data in the dashboard enables you to have immediate visibility into all batches that were created by Primer. The view allows you to see all reports across all processors, currencies, and payout dates.

Reconciliation data in dashboard

The batch status can show you right away if all transactions were reconciled, or if there were any conflicts recorded.

Consuming reports via SFTP

It is possible to access and download the CSV files via SFTP on our production environment only. Speak to your Customer Success Manager or raise a ticket on our JIRA Service Desk to request access.

Primer will need a public key from you, and we support the following signing algorithms:

  • ED25519: ssh-ed25519
  • RSA: rsa-sha2-256, rsa-sha2-512
  • ECDSA: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256, ecdsa-sha2-nistp384, ecdsa-sha2-nistp521

We will then set up the access and send you a hostname and username.

Good to know:

  • There is no retention period, all files created by Primer will be available in this folder.
  • File names are based on batch IDs and payout dates. A new batch for a new payout date will always be a new file.
  • Individual batches could be updated (reprocessed) on demand. In this case, an existing file will be overwritten.