Migrating from legacy Workflows to new Workflows

The new Workflows product is a major upgrade on Primer's legacy Workflows product, opening up our automation tools to support non-payment apps that will drive powerful payment and commerce automation.

This guide describes how to start using new Workflows.

Configure your new Workflows

Once given access, the new Workflows option will now appear in your side navigation menu. Once selected, you can get started with adding apps and creating your new workflows.

Read much more here about how to get started with new Workflows.

Process payments

To start using your new Workflows that you've set up, you will need to tell Primer you want to use the new Workflows to process your payments and not legacy Workflows.

You simply need to pass the following header in your API requests: Legacy-Workflows: false

This will give you the control to roll out new Workflows at your pace instead of switching all traffic at once from legacy Workflows.

This is only compatible with API version >= v2 and SDK version >= v2