Before you start

This guide assumes that you know how to

Accept payments with Venmo

Prepare the client session

Venmo requires the following data to process a payment successfully. Pass the following data in the client session, or in the payment request (for manual payment creation).

Parameter NameRequiredDescription
3-letter currency code in ISO 4217 format, e.g. USD for US dollars
  1. order
Details of the line items of the order

Prepare the SDK for payments

Show Universal Checkout

Venmo is automatically presented to the customer when calling Primer.showUniversalCheckout.

try {  await Primer.showUniversalCheckout(clientToken, {    container: '#checkout-container',    options,    onCheckoutComplete({ payment }) {      console.log('Checkout complete.', payment)    },  })} catch (e) {  // handle error}


Check the customization guide to learn how to customize payment method buttons.

const options = {  /* Other options ... */  style: {    paymentMethodButton: {      background: string,      borderRadius: number | string,      boxShadow: string,      borderColor: string,      height: number,      primaryText: TextStyle,      logoColor: logoColor,      marginTop: string,    },  },}


You can test one-off payments in the US only, with USD as currency. Recurring payments can only be tested in production.

Go live

You don’t need to do anything particular to go live — just make sure to use production credentials.