Before you begin

This guide assumes that you know how to:

Accept payments with PayPal

Prepare the API

PayPal requires the following data to process a payment successfully. Pass the following data in the client session, or in the payment request (for manual payment creation).

Parameter NameRequiredDescription
3-letter currency code in ISO 4217 format, e.g. USD for US dollars
  1. order
Details of the line items of the order
  1. order

The country code of the user is required for PayPal.

  1. metadata

Primers direct integration to PayPal enables you send a custom ID to Paypal to link your orders to a specific custom ID.

  1. metadata

Primers direct integration to PayPal enables you send a Invoice ID to Paypal to link your orders to a specific invoice ID.

Required field if the Billing Agreement is being created.

Prepare the SDK for payments


Handling redirects is required for Payment Methods that present a webpage or open a 3rd party application for the customer to enter their credentials and validate their payment.

To enable this feature, ensure that you include the urlScheme parameter when configuring the PrimerPaymentMethodOptions object.

Set up redirects
let settings = PrimerSettings(  // ...  paymentMethodOptions: PrimerPaymentMethodOptions(    urlScheme: "{url scheme}", // e.g. primer://, yourscheme://  ),  // ...)
Handle redirects

When the user is redirected back to the main app, the function application(_ application: UIApplication, continue userActivity: NSUserActivity, restorationHandler: @escaping ([UIUserActivityRestoring]?) -> Void) -> Bool is automatically called by iOS. Make sure to call Primer.shared.application... to forward this information to the SDK so that Universal Checkout can continue the flow.

import PrimerSDKimport UIKit
@UIApplicationMainclass AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
  // ...
  func application(_ application: UIApplication, continue userActivity: NSUserActivity, restorationHandler: @escaping ([UIUserActivityRestoring]?) -> Void) -> Bool {    return Primer.shared.application(application, continue: userActivity, restorationHandler: restorationHandler)  }}

Handle payment method

PayPal requires a Native UI Manager in order to be presented to the user:

// 👇 Create the payment method managerlet nativeUIPaymentMethodManager = try PrimerHeadlessUniversalCheckout.NativeUIManager(paymentMethodType: "PAYPAL") // 👇 Show the payment methodtry nativeUIPaymentMethodManager.showPaymentMethod(intent: .checkout)

This code is intended solely for illustrative purposes. As many payment methods share a common approach, it is recommended to centralize the implementation of these methods within your codebase. For a practical demonstration of how to achieve this, please refer to the guide on how to handle Native UI payment methods.


Vaulting PayPal requires the Billing Agreement API to be activated on your account. Get in touch with your account manager at PayPal to activate this feature.

In order to be approved by PayPal for Billing Agreements, you may be required to collect device data using their Fraudnet/Magnes library and pass a user session identifier to PayPal during the transaction. This can be done by passing this as metadata.paypal_client_metadata_id in the Primer Client Session/Payment API.

In order to vault PayPal accounts, pass the following data in the Client Session:

Parameter NameRequiredDescription
A unique identifier for your customer

Prepare the SDK for vaulting

PayPal requires a Native UI Manager in order to be presented to the user:

// 👇 Create the payment method managerlet nativeUIPaymentMethodManager = try PrimerHeadlessUniversalCheckout.NativeUIManager(paymentMethodType: "PAYPAL") // 👇 Show the payment methodtry nativeUIPaymentMethodManager.showPaymentMethod(intent: .vault)

This code is intended solely for illustrative purposes. As many payment methods share a common approach, it is recommended to centralize the implementation of these methods within your codebase. For a practical demonstration of how to achieve this, please refer to the guide on how to handle Native UI payment methods.

Go live

You don’t need to do anything particular to go live — just make sure to use production credentials.