Payment Status Update

Primer notifies you with a PAYMENT.STATUS webhook when a payment’s status has been updated. This is especially useful for asyncronous processor Connections, which do not respond with an upfront authorization. The webhook events will arrive in the order that the payment status changes, for example you should expect a status of PENDING, then AUTHORIZED, then SETTLED (depending on how your workflow is set up). The webhook body contains the full payment object.

Example payment status notification:

2 "eventType":"PAYMENT.STATUS",
3 "date":"2021-02-21T15:36:16.367687",
4 "notificationConfig":{
5 "id":"cc51f9f0-7e1c-492b-9d37-f83a818f6070",
6 "description":"Payment webhook"
7 },
8 "version":"2.3",
9 "signedAt": "1689221338",
10 "payment":{
11 "id":"DdRZ6YY0",
12 "date":"2021-02-21T15:34:16.367687",
13 "dateUpdated":"2021-02-21T15:35:16.133701",
14 "amount":3000,
15 "currencyCode":"GBP",
16 "customerId":"cust-123",
17 "orderId":"order-123",
18 "status":"SETTLED",
19 "cardTokenType":"CARD_PAN",
20 "customer": {
21 "emailAddress": "",
22 "mobileNumber": "0123456789",
23 "billingAddress": {
24 "firstName": "John",
25 "postalCode": "CB94BQ",
26 "addressLine1": "10001 Alpha St",
27 "countryCode": "GB",
28 "city": "Cambridge",
29 "state": "Cambridgeshire"
30 }
31 },
32 "paymentMethod":{
33 "paymentType":"FIRST_PAYMENT",
34 "paymentMethodToken":"-lcWjvBAAs2DnIRXwxNjUzNTYzNjIy",
35 "isVaulted": "false",
36 "analyticsId":"LUi5pETUaVsdSEamK25L",
37 "paymentMethodType":"PAYMENT_CARD",
38 "paymentMethodData":{
39 "last4Digits":"1111",
40 "first6Digits": "411111",
41 "expirationMonth":"03",
42 "expirationYear":"2030",
43 "cardholderName":"ADYEN",
44 "network":"Visa",
45 "isNetworkTokenized":false,
46 "binData":{
47 "network":"VISA",
48 "issuerCountryCode":"US",
49 "issuerName":"JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A.",
50 "regionalRestriction":"UNKNOWN",
51 "accountNumberType":"UNKNOWN",
52 "accountFundingType":"UNKNOWN",
53 "prepaidReloadableIndicator":"NOT_APPLICABLE",
54 "productUsageType":"UNKNOWN",
55 "productCode":"UNKNOWN",
56 "productName":"UNKNOWN"
57 }
58 },
59 "authorizationType": "FINAL",
60 "threeDSecureAuthentication":{
61 "responseCode":"NOT_PERFORMED"
62 }
63 },
64 "processor":{
65 "name":"STRIPE",
66 "processorMerchantId":"acct_1GORasdasqNWFwi8c",
67 "amountCaptured":3000,
68 "amountRefunded":0
69 },
70 "transactions":[
71 {
72 "date":"2021-02-21T15:34:16.367687",
73 "amount":3000,
74 "currencyCode":"GBP",
75 "transactionType":"SALE",
76 "orderId":"order-123",
77 "processorTransactionId":"pi_3L3edsGZasdasdc1iget38p",
78 "processorName":"STRIPE",
79 "processorMerchantId":"acct_1GORasvasdNWFwi8c",
80 "processorStatus":"SETTLED",
81 "cardTokenType":"CARD_PAN"
82 }
83 ],
84 "riskData":{
85 "fraudChecks":{
86 "source":"riskified",
87 "preAuthorizationResult":"THREE_DS",
88 "postAuthorizationResult":"ACCEPT"
89 },
90 "cvvCheck": {
91 "source": "processor",
92 "result": "MATCHED"
93 },
94 "avsCheck": {
95 "source": "processor",
96 "result": {
97 "streetAddress": "NOT_MATCHED",
98 "postalCode": "NOT_VERIFIED"
99 }
100 }
101 },
102 "processorData": {
103 "external_ids": {
104 "authorization_id": "54B297038E2016701"
105 }
106 }
107 }

Learn more about how Primer handles webhooks.



An HMAC signature generated using the webhook payload and a shared signing secret. This is then converted to a base64 encoded string.


A secondary signature that is added when you have rotated your secret within the past 24 hours.


The payload of this webhook request is an object.

The type of the webhook raised. PAYMENT.STATUS in this case.


The date-time that the webhook was sent.


The notification configuration details.


The payload version



Return a 200 status to indicate that the data was received successfully.
2 "eventType": "string",
3 "date": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z",
4 "notificationConfig": {
5 "id": "string",
6 "description": "string"
7 },
8 "version": "string",
9 "payment": {
10 "id": "string",
11 "date": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z",
12 "dateUpdated": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z",
13 "status": "PENDING",
14 "orderId": "string",
15 "currencyCode": "string",
16 "amount": 0,
17 "customerId": "string",
18 "metadata": {
19 "string": {}
20 },
21 "processorData": {
22 "string": {}
23 },
24 "paymentMethod": {
25 "descriptor": "string",
26 "paymentType": "FIRST_PAYMENT",
27 "paymentMethodToken": "string",
28 "vaultedPaymentMethodToken": "string",
29 "analyticsId": "string",
30 "paymentMethodType": "string",
31 "paymentMethodData": {
32 "first6Digits": "string",
33 "last4Digits": "string",
34 "expirationMonth": "string",
35 "expirationYear": "string",
36 "cardholderName": "string",
37 "network": "string",
38 "isNetworkTokenized": true,
39 "binData": {
40 "network": "string",
41 "issuerCountryCode": "AW",
42 "issuerName": "string",
43 "issuerCurrencyCode": "AED",
44 "regionalRestriction": "DOMESTIC_USE_ONLY",
45 "accountNumberType": "PRIMARY_ACCOUNT_NUMBER",
46 "accountFundingType": "CREDIT",
47 "prepaidReloadableIndicator": "RELOADABLE",
48 "productUsageType": "CONSUMER",
49 "productCode": "string",
50 "productName": "string"
51 }
52 },
53 "threeDSecureAuthentication": {
54 "responseCode": "NOT_PERFORMED",
55 "reasonCode": "GATEWAY_UNAVAILABLE",
56 "reasonText": "string",
57 "protocolVersion": "string",
58 "challengeIssued": true
59 }
60 },
61 "processor": {
62 "name": "string",
63 "processorMerchantId": "string",
64 "amountCaptured": 0,
65 "amountRefunded": 0
66 },
67 "statusReason": {
69 "declineType": "SOFT_DECLINE",
70 "code": "ERROR",
71 "message": "string"
72 },
73 "transactions": [
74 {
75 "processorMerchantId": "string",
76 "transactionType": "SALE",
77 "processorTransactionId": "string",
78 "processorName": "string",
79 "processorStatus": "PENDING",
80 "processorStatusReason": {
82 "declineType": "SOFT_DECLINE",
83 "code": "ERROR",
84 "message": "string"
85 }
86 }
87 ],
88 "riskData": {
89 "fraudChecks": {
90 "source": "string",
91 "preAuthorizationResult": "ACCEPT",
92 "postAuthorizationResult": "ACCEPT"
93 },
94 "cvvCheck": {
95 "source": "string",
96 "result": "MATCHED"
97 },
98 "avsCheck": {
99 "source": "string",
100 "result": {
101 "streetAddress": "MATCHED",
102 "postalCode": "MATCHED"
103 }
104 }
105 }
106 }