Search for a specific payment
You can search for a specific payment and get all the details via:
Primer Dashboard
Easy-to-use UI to browse and review the details of all your payments.
Payments API
Retrieve details of your payments programmatically via API.
Search for a specific payment via the Primer Dashboard
Navigate to the Payments section of the Primer Dashboard. To find your specific payment, either:
- scroll through until you find your payment
- enter the Primer payment ID into the search bar
- add your Primer payment ID to the following URL:<YOUR_PAYMENT_ID>
All methods will direct you to the payment details page, where you will see a summary of the key details of the payment, along with a detailed timeline of all events during your payment’s lifecycle.
View all the requests and responses for each event in the timeline by simply selecting it, along with a summary of the key details of the event.
Search for a specific payment via Payments API
Use the GET
payment request to retrieve the full payment object. See the API reference for more details.
Include the Primer payment ID in the request which you will have received as part of the payment creation and authorization.
Below is an example response:
{ "id": "kHdEw9EG", "date": "2021-02-21T15:36:16.367687", "status": "AUTHORIZED", "orderId": "order-abc", "customerId": "customer-123", "currencyCode": "EUR", "amount": 42, "paymentMethod": { "paymentMethodToken": "heNwnqaeRiqvY1UcslfQc3wxNjEzOTIxNjc4", "isVaulted": true, "descriptor": "Purchase: Socks", "analyticsId": "VtkMDAxZW5isH0HsbbNxZ3lo", "paymentMethodType": "PAYMENT_CARD", "paymentMethodData": { "first6Digits": "411111", "last4Digits": "1111", "expirationMonth": "12", "expirationYear": "2030", "cardholderName": "John Biggins", "network": "Visa", "isNetworkTokenized": false, "binData": { "network": "VISA", "regionalRestriction": "UNKNOWN", "accountNumberType": "UNKNOWN", "accountFundingType": "UNKNOWN", "prepaidReloadableIndicator": "NOT_APPLICABLE", "productUsageType": "UNKNOWN", "productCode": "VISA", "productName": "VISA" } } }, "processor": { "name": "STRIPE", "processor_merchant_id": "acct_stripe_1234", "amountCaptured": 0, "amountRefunded": 0 }, "transactions": [ { "type": "SALE", "processorStatus": "AUTHORIZED", "processorName": "STRIPE", "processorMerchantId": "acct_stripe_1234", "processorTransactionId": "54c4eb5b3ef8a" } ], "customer": { "email": "" }, "metadata": { "productId": 123, "merchantId": "a13bsd62s" }}
Search for a set of payments
Retrieve all payments or a subset of payments based on a set of conditions, including a date range, status, and other searchable fields.
Search for a set of payments via:
Primer Dashboard
Easy-to-use UI to browse and review the details of all your payments.
Payments API
Retrieve details of your payments programmatically via API.
Search for a set of payments via the Primer Dashboard
Navigate to the Payments section of the Primer Dashboard. You can search in two ways:
- Use the search bar and enter multiple terms separated with commas
- Use the Filters
The filters are comprehensive and allow you to retrieve the subset of payments you are looking for based on:
- date range
- currency and amount
- status
- processor
- payment method
- events
- decline types and reasons
Search for a set of payments via the Payments API
Use the GET list payments
request to retrieve a list of payments.
Filter your payments on as many conditions as you’d like and separate multiple query parameters with the &
Results are paginated and will return up to 100 payments in a single call. To access the next page of results, set the cursor
parameter to the value of nextCursor
from the last result payload.
This endpoint returns a list of summarized payment objects i.e. not the full payment object outputted in the GET
call when retrieving a specific payment.
Here is an example response:
{ "data": [ { "id": "IHQlakKC", "date": "2021-03-24T14:56:56.869248", "status": "SETTLED", "orderId": "my-order-123", "currencyCode": "EUR", "amount": 700, "processor": { "name": "STRIPE", "processorMerchantId": "acct_stripe_1234" }, "metadata": { "productId": 123, "merchantId": "a13bsd62s" } } ], "nextCursor": "string", "prevCursor": "string"}
See the API reference for the full list of query parameters.
Payments will be available up to a minute from being created.